Saturday, September 6, 2008


We are back in Sonoma County now, well, most of us. Caleb took off to go back-packing almost immediately upon our arrival here. The girls have started their school. They are taking Gymnastics, Music, Spanish, Science, and Gardening, as well as some Language Arts outside of the home. In the home we are working on Math, Chemistry, Language Arts, Californian studies (complete with book) and Sofie's making a large replica of herself in the cardboard medium. So the year is off to a rip roaring start. We tried to go Roller blading this afternoon, but almost melted, so we will try again later this evening when the heat rolls out. Visiting with family and friends is really fun and exciting. Looking for housing so far is not. Kristin very kindly has allowed us to fill her empty nest as her boys took off for boarding school, she has three rooms available to us until December. With persistence we will have found a place to live by then. We are all eager, in some way, to see what we packed that garage full of before we left over a year ago now. It's Hot!