Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home-schooling in the Vosges

We went to la neige (snow) with the home-school group, Les Enfants D' Abord for a week before Kat and Boz came and we went to Basel. The home-schooling group trip started out fabulously with Anja and Sofie playing with all the lovely French children. But then children started falling ill with the flu and there were rumors of lice at which point more than half the crew abandoned ship. It was nice for me that so many people left as it made it easier to listen to their heated conversations about the Controller, the person who came to their house yearly to see if they were really teaching their children. Though Anja had already fallen ill with fever, so we couldn't go anywhere to escape the lice, though I think we managed to avoid them as no-one has noticed any yet, and it has been a few weeks now. We washed everything in hot water, staining Anja's pretty pink Les Enfant D ' Abord t-shirt a dingy grey-pink. This I think will help us to always remember the week as it really was, starting out pretty pink and fading to dingy grey-pink.

1 comment:

mimulus said...

what a wonderful post (not that you were exposed to the flu and lice) but that you made the best of it anyhow.