Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yesterday we went swimming. The outdoor pool is huge. It must be what people call Olympic size, or else I've never seen Olympic size which is entirely possible. Yesterday there were many more people than usual as the weather was finally hot. Still way less crowded than Ives in Sebastopol even in the winter. There is also a huge kiddie pool which Sofie has a great appreciation for even though she swims. It's nice to be able to stand occasionally. Even I cannot stand anywhere in the big pool except on the little ledges around the edge of the pool. The pool is about twelve feet deep everywhere. People swim slow, large strokes, not unlike myself. The women wear a scanty bottom or even a thong, and put their tops back on and their cigarettes out to enter the water. It is quite a relaxed scene. Though something to behold. I've noticed Caleb has taken to swimming with his glasses on. We all enjoy the pool. Our friend from Duluth, Chris says he gets dirty looks at the pool for swimming the crawl. Too splashy for the mellow meandering swimmers who merely want to cool off from their sunbathing. The pool is completely set up for a more athletic swim, but it seems the four hour swim experience wins out over the one hour workout.
After swimming, the girls went to their pottery class where they are trying to finish glazing their many works of art to get them re-fired before we leave this country. We go to Amsterdam by night train on the seventh for two days and then to Detroit on the tenth. Caleb and I had a walk in the park over looking the river and the city. We went to the Metronome where stalin's statue used to stand and beyond to a pricey little lookout restaurant for a cup of caj for me and a Kava for him.
After class we returned to the restaurant that forgot to put in our order last time behind the bowling alley. They really do have great food. Not what an American would expect from a bowling alley. Then we went to another fringe festival show. This time Andi Neat from the Scottish highlands was the evening's performer. She has a great voice and played guitar to accompany herself. I think Anja really enjoyed the show. Sofie had to be bribed with pop and a foot rub, but she did OK once she got her Fanta Orange. Speaking of relaxed, Sofie was even able to go topless to the bar, as she refused to wear her shirt, having spilt strawberry something- or- other from her dessert at the restaurant.
Today we're having a slow, play in the sand box kind of morning whilst we decide which performance to take in this evening. There is a magic show that Anja is rooting for, but the Queen of the Gypsies, Esma, is to play tonight as well I think though she plays again on the weekend so we shall see.

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