Wednesday, June 4, 2008


We went to one last fringe festival event on Sunday. It was called "Karagiozis Exposed" and it was a puppet show with live traditional Greek music which was really the best part. The show was about a puppet who got a taste of human life and escaped the puppet theater. When the puppet finally escaped, he spoke Francais which we all appreciated. Both children recognized the language immediately, understood quite a few words, and were quite pleased with that part of the show. Most of the show was in Greek. The guy even said, "Opa!" a few times which is a Greek word expressing joy, approval or encouragement according to Wikipedia. For years friends and I have been speculating about that word being something that was made up in Detroit to be yelled when the server sets something, usually cheese, on fire in Greek town. Seriously, I've been to Greece, Athens and two islands, and never heard that word. I heard that word here in Prague and turned around to realize the people yelling it were speaking English with distinctly Michiganian accents. But finally I have heard, "Opa" exclaimed by a Greek man, if only in a play. The word is real. Ya learn something new everyday... above left --picture from gypsy parade

1 comment:

scattyme said...

Fantastic photo!

So are you back in the States now?? I hope you'll continue with your blog!