Monday, August 18, 2008


I just had the most fabulous time at my mom and Mac daddy's lake this past weekend. We went sailing and swimming and tubing. We roasted marshmallows for S'mores and the moon fairy came with pennies for our shoes. My step-brother and his wife and four boys were there for almost two days, and we had a little birthday, complete with balloons for Landon, who is four. Caleb and I managed to see Batman and Pineapple Express and go to the Danish festival / used book sale in Greenville. We soaked up some of the culture, carrying a DVD on Islam my mom forgot to watch, that was overdue at the library, we wended our way between the Catholics and the Baptists and their galoopa (flattened marbles) crafts on Main St. We saw a garden stone for sale at one booth that had the words, " If I ain't home, try WalMart" etched in it. I really appreciated the way the guy at the booth explained his Danish pastry, the Apelkiver ( I think), as "just like a pancake, dude." I don't know if I really learned much about Denmark there, but Greenville was out in full force. So we took in a little piece of America, as we prepare to take in a bigger piece on our way across it. We are leaving Thursday or Friday for California. This should take us a little while if we are kind to ourselves and the children. The intention is to be at Boz and Kathrin's house by August 30th.

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