Sunday, May 29, 2011

Today Anja swam to the island and back while Caleb and I paddled the paddle boat. Sofie jumped on and off swimming and riding equal amounts as well as functioning as a human rudder to steer the boat in zigzag patterns. It rained, it poured, it thundered. There was lightning. The dog wore a thunder jacket, based on the idea presented by the autistic woman who allowed the cow restraining device to "hug" her into sedation. The dog, Rascal did not seem calm, but he did stop barking at every clap of thunder. We pulled the children with our pontoon boat on a tube. It went much faster this year thrilling Anja, and scaring Sof. We watched the lake go through a full spectrum of changes from placid to waves with white caps. The lake was not as full as one would expect Memorial day weekend thanks to the weather. The water is still too cold for me to swim. Maybe when we return from New York.

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