Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Your Money or Your Life, was what the nice (and English speaking) German homeschooling family told us how to say in French rather than trick or treat. We assumed they were joking and continued with "Trick or Treat." "Plus de Bonbons," was what the signs said when the stores ran out of bonbons. We assumed it meant more candy, until we learned it meant no more candy. Still, we had a decent haul especially for Europe, as Halloween is frowned upon by some. Most of the children were rather scary unlike our cuties. The other children were probably working to be authentic. We were able to unabashedly speak English saying, "Happy Halloween," and "Trick or Treat" as it is an American holiday, we knew we weren't doing it incorrectly, for once.
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1 comment:

Lynne said...

wow, they have Halloween in France? Who knew? That is very cool though since it would be a shame for a kid to miss out on Halloween which is such a kid centric holiday. I'll bet the French candy was yummy, no?